Fall High Holy Days

The High Holy Days are coming soon! Join us for services on these upcoming dates:

Rosh Hashanah Dinner - Sunday, September 25 @5:30pm
We begin the holiday season with a potluck dinner all together in the Fireside room (Fellowship Hall). Provided appetizers will be first, and roast chicken, round challah, & drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish or apple dessert. We will say the blessings to start this special Shabbat and eat together. Our Rosh Hashanah service will begin at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary.

Rosh Hashanah - Sunday, September 25 @6:30pm
Rosh Hashanah kicks off the whole High Holy Day season. We gather to worship, hear from the Bible, sound the Shofar, and focus on the season of repentance. Join us also for our Rosh Hashanah dinner prior to the service, at 5:30pm in the Fireside room!

Yom Kippur - Tuesday, October 4 @6:30pm
Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement. It is a day of repentance in which we fast together, beginning at sundown this evening until sundown on Yom Kippur. Come join us as we repent, remember, and rejoice in the forgiveness of our sins in Yeshua the Messiah!

1st Night of Sukkot - Sunday, October 9 @6:30pm
We will open Sukkot (the feast of tabernacles) together with a time of extended worship in the sanctuary to celebrate the season of joy. We will gather outside by our sukkah (temporary dwelling) to say some blessings for the start of Sukkot.

If you have the space at your home, we encourage you to put up a sukkah of your own to sit, eat, and pray in! If you are interested in getting your own Sukkot supplies, there are many places to find them online, but Restoration gets them here:
—Sukkah: https://www.sukkahdepot.com
—Lulav and Etrog: https://gotetrog.com

Torah Rolling & 8th Night of Sukkot - Sunday, October 16 @6:30pm
We will close Sukkot together on Shemini Atzeret, “the eighth day.” In Leviticus 23:33-43 it instructs us to have a celebration on the last day of Sukkot. Traditionally, Simchat Torah falls after Sukkot, but we combine the two into one service. We invite everyone to help us roll the Torah scroll from the end of Deuteronomy back to the beginning of Genesis, and we throw candy to celebrate the sweetness that is found in the Scriptures.

Days to Take Off Work
The following are days to take off work for the holidays:

—Monday, September 26
—Wednesday, October 5
—Monday, October 10
—Monday, October 17

While we don’t have services on these days, we encourage you to spend time with other people from Restoration, not working, and celebrating the goodness of God!

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