Tzav - March 27, 2021

Torah Portion:
Tzav - March 27, 2021
Torah: Leviticus 6:1-8:36
Haftarah: Malachi 3:4-3:24
Tzav - March 27, 2021
Torah: Leviticus 6:1-8:36
Haftarah: Malachi 3:4-3:24
Portion Summary:
—God gives the rituals for the burnt, meal, sin, guilt, and shalom offerings to Moses for Aaron.
—Kosher laws against eating fat, blood, and animals killed by other animals are given.
—The anointing ritual of the priests is completed.
Devotional by Janet Cothrell:
—God gives the rituals for the burnt, meal, sin, guilt, and shalom offerings to Moses for Aaron.
—Kosher laws against eating fat, blood, and animals killed by other animals are given.
—The anointing ritual of the priests is completed.
Devotional by Janet Cothrell:
The Fire of Love
“The fire on the altar is to be kept burning on it—it must not go out. Each morning the kohen is to burn wood on it, laying the burnt offering in order upon it, and burning up as smoke the fat of the fellowship offerings. Fire is to be kept burning on the altar continually—it must not go out.” Leviticus 6:5-6 (TLV)
This passage is emphatic that the fire on the altar was to always stay lit. When the camp had to move, the kohanim would place a copper pot upside down on the flames, turning them to live coals for transport. The coals would then be brought back into flame at the next destination. The fire on the altar was the only fire to be used for lighting the menorah, the incense burner, and fire pans in the Holy of Holies; any other fire brought into the inner sanctum was called “strange” or “alien” fire.
This commandment can be applied to the act of loving others. Even when love’s “fire” burns hot and bright, it may not always stay that way. Our love for God and others must never be allowed to go out. Even if life’s circumstances hinder our ability to keep love’s fire burning brightly, we can take hope in remembering that God can help us turn even dying embers into a roaring blaze once again!
My Lord,
Life’s burdens, distractions, and conflicts often impair my ability to keep the fire of Your love alive in me. I pray that You would help me fan those flames back into a fiery blaze so that I can love You and others once again.
In Yeshua’s name, amen.
This passage is emphatic that the fire on the altar was to always stay lit. When the camp had to move, the kohanim would place a copper pot upside down on the flames, turning them to live coals for transport. The coals would then be brought back into flame at the next destination. The fire on the altar was the only fire to be used for lighting the menorah, the incense burner, and fire pans in the Holy of Holies; any other fire brought into the inner sanctum was called “strange” or “alien” fire.
This commandment can be applied to the act of loving others. Even when love’s “fire” burns hot and bright, it may not always stay that way. Our love for God and others must never be allowed to go out. Even if life’s circumstances hinder our ability to keep love’s fire burning brightly, we can take hope in remembering that God can help us turn even dying embers into a roaring blaze once again!
My Lord,
Life’s burdens, distractions, and conflicts often impair my ability to keep the fire of Your love alive in me. I pray that You would help me fan those flames back into a fiery blaze so that I can love You and others once again.
In Yeshua’s name, amen.
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