July 3rd @ The Lake

As of today (June 30th), Washington State has lifted most COVID-19 restrictions, so instead of a typical Shabbat Gathering in the sanctuary, we will have a different kind of Shabbat Gathering down by the lake this Saturday, July 3, to celebrate! The emphasis will be on rest, not doing our regular work, fun, and fellowship. We will start at 10:30am and food will be served around 11:00am.

Ecclesiastes 8:15 says, "So I recommend enjoyment, because there is nothing better for humanity under the sun except to eat, drink and enjoy it. So this joy will accompany him in his labor all the days of his life that God gives him under the sun.” So with that in mind, we will sit in the sun, we will eat, we will drink, and enjoy all that God has given us! Food and drinks will be provided by Restoration. All you have to bring with you is your appetite and joy (and also what you need to swim, if you are so inclined)!

As the last two years have been so disorienting, we are all reacquainting ourselves with being around other people. Moving forward, we will not require social distancing or masks in our gatherings, but we ask everyone to treat each other with kindness and grace, as we each have our own comfort levels. If you are not fully vaccinated, we encourage you to take appropriate precautions.

The closing sermon in the series, “Pray Like a Hebrew,” on the Aaronic Benediction will be posted on the Restoration app and all Restoration platforms.

To summarize:
When: Saturday, July 3rd, 10:30am-12:00pm
What Restoration provides: food, drinks
What to bring: Appetite, swimsuit & towel (optional), joy!



