21 Nights of Prayer
At Restoration, we have made it a priority to seek God first in prayer. We do this collectively as a congregation before the Jewish High Holy Days. Together, we want to trust in His power to impact in our lives, our congregation, our city, and our world.
While a day in the secular calendar begins and ends at midnight, a Jewish day goes from nightfall to nightfall. It is for this reason that we have decided to focus on 21 nights of prayer to close out the counting to the Omer.
During this time, we will focus on fasting, prayer, and reading God’s word together as a community. We will ask Him to bring life change to us and our families. We will also ask God to use Restoration to bring people to know Him, and to give us opportunities to share the Good News of Yeshua with anyone who will listen!
While a day in the secular calendar begins and ends at midnight, a Jewish day goes from nightfall to nightfall. It is for this reason that we have decided to focus on 21 nights of prayer to close out the counting to the Omer.
During this time, we will focus on fasting, prayer, and reading God’s word together as a community. We will ask Him to bring life change to us and our families. We will also ask God to use Restoration to bring people to know Him, and to give us opportunities to share the Good News of Yeshua with anyone who will listen!
Day 9 of OmerDay 10 of OmerDay 11 of OmerDay 12 of OmerDay 13 of OmerDay 14 of OmerDay 15 of OmerDay 16 of OmerDay 17 of OmerDay 18 of OmerDay 19 of OmerDay 20 of OmerDay 21 of OmerDay 22 of OmerDay 23 of OmerDay 24 of OmerDay 25 of OmerDay 26 of OmerDay 27 of OmerDay 28 of OmerDay 29 of OmerDay 30 of OmerDay 31 of OmerDay 32 of OmerDay 33 of OmerDay 34 of OmerDay 35 of OmerDay 36 of OmerDay 37 of OmerDay 38 of OmerDay 39 of Omer
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