Friday Night - Joel Liberman

Sep 4, 2015    Joel Liberman

Celebrate Yeshua Northwest is a mini-conference hosted by the MJAA, IAMCS, Restoration and Beit Tikvah. Bringing some of the best music and speakers from around the Messianic Jewish Movement to Seattle!

Joel Liberman is the spiritual leader of Tree of Life Messianic Congregation in San Deigo, CA. He was raised in a Messianic Jewish home, and has been active in the Messianic movement for 28 years, including terms as Vice President and Treasurer of the Young Messianic Jewish Alliance (YMJA), a term as Treasurer of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA), an additional four year term on the MJAA Executive Committee, two years as the Treasurer of the International Messianic Jewish Alliance (IMJA) and nearly four years as the Executive Director of the IMJA.

Joel currently serves as the Director of Operations & Development for the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations & Synagogues (IAMCS) and is serving a third two year term on its Steering Committee. He is an ordained Messianic Rabbi through the IAMCS, of which Tree of Life is a member congregation. Joel has served in various capacities in the leadership of Tree of Life since its inception and is a frequent speaker and teacher at Messianic Jewish conferences. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from San Diego State University, and is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive). Joel holds a nationally accredited Master of Divinity degree in Ministry and has authored five Messianic Jewish commentary books on various New Covenant documents available on The book titles are: The Acts of the Emissaries, Lifted Up Between a Pharisee & a Thief, Letters From the Rock, Letters From the Beloved, and Practical Messages on Congregational Life.