Vayeshev - December 12, 2020

Torah Portion:
Vayeshev - December 12, 2020

Torah: Genesis 37:1-40:23
Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7
Portion Summary:
—Joseph is exalted above his brothers and compounds their wrath by talking about his dreams.
—His brothers plot to kill Joseph but decide to sell him. They tell his father that he was killed by an animal.
—Tamar, the abandoned daughter-in-law of Judah, has a child by him to continue the Davidic and Messianic line.
—Joseph becomes a successful servant, but a lustful, vengeful wife gets him sent to prison.
—In prison, Joseph prospers again and uses his dream interpretations to advise Pharaoh’s servants.

Devotional by Janet Cothrell:
“But if you remember me, that I was with you, when it goes well with you, please show me kindness and mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house.” … “It was just as Joseph had interpreted for them. Yet the chief of cupbearers did not remember Joseph—indeed, he forgot him.” Genesis 40:14, 22b-23 (TLV)

Joseph always rose to prominence and prospered wherever he was, but an ancient Egyptian prison had to be a miserable place to live. He had been treated unjustly and did not deserve anything that had happened to him since he was sold by his brothers. He wanted out!

The cupbearer didn’t remember Joseph until it brought him benefit and made him look good in Pharaoh’s eyes by providing answers when no one else could. Although this was surely God’s timing for Joseph’s release (even though he was at first forgotten by the cupbearer), I am sure his prayers were that God would remember him and help.

Have you ever depended on someone to do something or be somewhere and you were disappointed when they didn’t follow through? Perhaps when you reminded that person of their commitment you were treated as if you were making “too big a deal” out of it because they simply “forgot.” When friends and family don’t follow through on their promises, we can feel cheated, abandoned, and alone. Even though people may fail us, Joseph’s ordeal shows us that God will always keep His promises and answer us when the time is right.  

Thank You that I can depend upon You to provide my needs when I call. I ask that You always provide for me, and that my faith be strengthened when waiting for Your help. You are always good.
In Yeshua’s name, amen.
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